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HomeFood Law and PoliticsKenya’s Food Security Budget | What we want to eat VS what we budget for.

Kenya’s Food Security Budget | What we want to eat VS what we budget for.

Agriculture budgets in Kenya need to work harder to for the right to food.

Source of information: & Global Report on Food Crises 2021. 
Governments’ budgets are a truer measure of commitment to realizing the right to food than policies and plans. Even though revenue collection last year was lower than expected, we would have wanted to see an increased financial commitment to food security initiatives, agriculture and sustaining water supplies, to promote the right to food for all Kenyans.
Whichever way you look at it, we’re not investing enough in achieving the right to food for all in Kenya.

The ARUD sector is investing the equivalent of Ksh. 1,392 p/person in the next financial year. The Ministry of Environment and Water is investing Ksh. 2,127 p/person, and the Health sector is investing Ksh. 2,418 p/person in 2021/22.

We need to do better!
“A budget is more than just a series of numbers on a page; it is an embodiment of our values” – Barack Obama.

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