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Course Outline
Section 1: Introduction to Agroecology
By the end of this lesson, participants should be able to;
Define agroecology
Understand the evolution of agroecology
Identify the principles of agroecology
Recognize and demystify common myths about agroecology
Section 2: Introduction to Systems Thinking
By the end of this lesson, participants should be able to;
Explain the concept of sustainable development (SD)
Understand and apply systems thinking to agriculture and food systems
Section 3: Agroecosystems
By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to;
Understand agroecosystems as part of a broader food system
Explain the role of biodiversity and ecosystems in agroecosystems
Appraise food systems as integrated agri-eco-food-health systems
“Agricultural sustainability doesn't depend on agritechnology. To believe it does is to put the emphasis on the wrong bit of 'agriculture.' What sustainability depends on isn't agri- so much as culture.” - RAJ PATEL
Section 4: Food and Nutrition Security
By the end of this lesson, participants should be able to;
Explain the definition and dimensions of food security
Identify relevant international conventions, treaties, and declarations on the right to food
Understand key enablers of food security
Appraise Kenya’s governance of food and nutrition security (FNS)
“To address our current food system problems, I propose a series of local, regional, national and global conversations - starting around the dinner table - to rethink the food we produce, buy and eat” - ELLEN GUSTAFSON
Section 5: Agroecological Practices
Section 6 : Conservation Agriculture and Agroforestry
Section 7: Soil and Water Conservation Practices
Section 8: Weed Management, Pest and Disease Control
Section 9: Introduction to Political Ecology/ Economy
Political Ecology of Modern Agriculture
About Lesson