By submitting your content you acknowledge that it’s okay if it isn’t published. We’ll do our best to publish all content that is submitted, but we can’t guarantee that everything we receive will be used.
If you are submitting editorial work you acknowledge that any editorial suggestions made are implemented at your discretion. Route to Food cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or consequences as a result of your final work.
By submitting an idea, you acknowledge it isn’t a guarantee that we will be able to work together.
By sharing your information with us, you acknowledge that it doesn’t guarantee that we will get in touch. It also means you agree that we can suggest your expertise to journalists we work with, closely. All initial correspondence and journalist introductions will be facilitated by the Route to Food.
Don’t forget to tell us your name and email address so we can credit your work accordingly.
All personal information will be kept confidential. You can read our Privacy Policy if you would like to know more.