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I work for civil society

HomeI work for civil society

Share your Research

We’re always on the look-out for new information. Whether it be agricultural research, policy analysis, food science or nutrition studies, we’d love for you to send it our way. As long as it is relevant to realising the Right to Food, we will aim to write about your findings on our blog and link readers to the research or your website, accordingly.

Promote a Project

There are many of us working in the broad category of ‘civil society’. We’re described as NGOs, aid agencies, CSOs, grassroots organisations, activists or donors. Irrespective of our label, most of us know or are working on a project for good. Send us a summary of a project you’d like to profile. Tell us why you think the project is important in achieving the Right to Food. We’d like to write about successful projects on our blog, because we believe that creating awareness is necessary to ensure policy-decisions protect and promote good work.

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    Sio Siasa, ni Presha.