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Author: Route to Food

HomeArticles posted by Route to Food (Page 3)

Hunger as a development and social justice challenge (abridged version)

“Give bread to those who have hunger, and to those who have bread, give a hunger for justice.”
— Statement issued by the Conference of Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Christians on Food and Energy in Bellagio, Italy (1975)

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kenya deals with economic and social rights and among these rights, Section 1(c) recognises the right of every person “to be free from hunger and to have adequate food of acceptable quality”.

“Kenya is food secure.”

There was silence. Journalists stopped writing. Cameramen lowered their cameras. The air in the room became still as everyone looked on in disbelief. Can it be true? What will we write about if there is no maize shortage? Does this mean that, right now, no Kenyan is going hungry?